Tuesday, December 31, 2019

The Issue Of Illegal Immigration - 1420 Words

One of the most controversial issues in politics today is that of illegal immigration. â€Å"Immigration has been a constant source of economic vitality and demographic dynamism throughout our nation’s history.† (CAP Immigration Team, 2014) There are thousands of immigrants that arrive in the United States each year. Over the years, illegal immigration has been growing despite policies made to prevent this growth. In my opinion, immigration will continue to be a social issue that is fiercely debated during the 2016 Presidential elections in the United States. There are people who support immigration while others are against it. Many arguments about this debate involve how the economy is affected. We will discuss the many implications from immigration, both positive and negative. Throughout the 1980s and 1990s, illegal immigration was a constant source of political debate, as immigrants continue to pour into the United States, mostly by land routes through Canada and Mexico. The Immigration Reform Act in 1986 attempted to address the issue by providing better enforcement of immigration policies and creating more possibilities to seek legal immigration. The act included two amnesty programs for unauthorized aliens, and collectively granted amnesty to more than 3 million illegal aliens. Another piece of immigration legislation, the 1990 Immigration Act, modified and expanded the 1965 act, increasing the total level of immigration to 700,000. The law also provided for theShow MoreRelatedIllegal Immigration Issues1082 Words   |  5 PagesIllegal immigration is quickly becoming a big issue in this country. With the country divided on whether to call for improved border security and reform for illegal citizens to be naturalized, there is something that needs to b e done. Illegal immigration in the United States is something the government needs to begin focusing on and reaching a decision to help improve the wellbeing of this country. There are too many people in which are affected by this issue for it not to be at the top of CongressesRead MoreThe Issue Of Illegal Immigration1523 Words   |  7 PagesThe issue of illegal immigration has become one of the most important issues of concern to the international community and the countries that represent a source of migrants as well as countries that receive them it is worth mentioning that there is a close link will appear in the coming days between the global financial crisis and the issue of illegal immigration; since that crisis will push millions of young people to the lists of unemployed to increase their number in developing countries, andRead MoreThe Issue Of Illegal Immigration1623 Words   |  7 Pagesbecome very popular, illegal immigration. The primary question that is asked is, à ¢â‚¬Å"How will you deport and limit the number of illegal immigrants in the United States?† This question got me thinking, If I were in their position what would I say in response? The following essay will illustrate the ideas on illegal immigration. Facts Immigration has always been a problem ever since we put a border between the United States and Mexico. In the beginning it really was not as big of an issue that it is todayRead MoreIllegal Immigration Is Not The Issue961 Words   |  4 PagesUndocumented Issue Often when I dive into almost any political debate or national issue I find that people love to argue over the symptoms of an issue and almost never the root cause. Illegal immigration is just one of these symptoms, however I prefer the more accurate term of undocumented immigration. Illegal immigration is not the issue at hand, the issue at hand is that the state and federal governments do not want people working that are undocumented. First of all, what makes one an illegal immigrantRead MoreIssues of Illegal Immigration2970 Words   |  12 Pagesa hotbed for illegal immigration issues, so the news flew under the radar. Last year, the state enacted immigration reform of its own after tiring of seeing politicians of all stripes kick the problem down the road. But heres the thing the reforms worked. The states unemployment rate fell 0.6%, and a lot of those new jobs that were created were specifically attributed to companies hiring Americans after shedding their illegal workers (Munro, 2011). So what is it about immigration reform? EverybodyRead MoreThe Issue Of Illegal Immigration Essay2314 Words   |  10 PagesImmigration Immigration has been a controversial topic for decades. It began a long time ago when slaves were brought in from the atlantic as a response to the increasing demand for labor in the United States. There were no legislative restrictions on immigration until the 1800s. Immigration began to become more of an issue as more and more people began to enter the United States, and as more people were found to be living illegally, the problem of illegal immigration arose. There are manyRead MoreThe Issue Of Illegal Immigration Essay977 Words   |  4 PagesBorders Illegal immigration is an issue that plagues the border states and it must be controlled. What should be done with illegal immigrants has been a hotly contested issue in the news and also during the current election process. In â€Å"Obama’s Numbers April 2016 Update†, Brooks Jackson states that in 2014, 11.3 million illegal immigrants came into the US. The Democrats and Republicans debate on whether amnesty or mass deportation is the better alternative on what to do with these illegal immigrantsRead MoreThe Issue Of Illegal Immigration1069 Words   |  5 PagesIllegal immigration has become an explosive issue in the U.S. Many people have debated fervently in their disapproval of illegal immigration, whereas others defend it just as ardently. The church and Christian religion/theology has been drawn into the fray over illegal aliens as well, with Christians on both sides seeking to validate their positions based on their own individual beliefs. I interviewed many different people with equally varying opinions on the matter. Over the past few months, manyRea d MoreThe Issue Of Illegal Immigration1519 Words   |  7 PagesNo issue in any immigration policy kindles more dispute than the issue of illegal immigration. Unfortunately, some people confuse legal and illegal immigration. Legal immigrants are here legally. They have the proper, legal documents that allow them to live and work in the U.S. without complications. Illegal immigrants are defined as anyone who was born in a country other than the U.S. to parents who are not official U.S. citizens; they enter the U.S. without legal documents to prove their legalRead MoreThe Media And The Issue Of Illegal Immigration777 Words   |  4 Pages Paper #1: Discuss how the different media outlets frame the issue of illegal immigration? It is commonly known that media coverage of anything controversial can be faulty, and biased. ABC News and CCN News could cover the same story, in different ways. This is amplified in cases that affect different audiences (as in age, race, financial class), because certain stations are aimed towards a certain audience. A great example of this is FOX and FOX Latino. The two stations, though sister stations

Monday, December 23, 2019

The Ethics of Physician Assisted Death Essay - 3144 Words

In 5th century BCE, a Greek philosopher named Hippocrates wrote the phrase â€Å"I will not give a drug that is deadly to anyone if asked [for it], nor will suggest the ways to such a counsel†(Miles, 2004). This passage is apart of a written document that is now known as the Hippocratic Oath (Appendix A). The philosophers of ancient Greece were aware of the medical predicaments that a physician would ultimately face while practicing medicine. Today, the oath has become an ethical code for the physicians to uphold and apply in their profession. Why is this phrase important enough to be included in this document? Some view this passage as the code that prohibits physicians from lending their abilities for the executions of prisoners. Others†¦show more content†¦This means that physicians will not intervene with the patients’ condition and allow the disease to aggravate. The patients will die from the absent of life-prolonging medical treatments and their worsene d physical conditions. Passive euthanasia volunteered by patients is currently authorized by the American Medical Association. Thus, physicians who perform this procedure are not in breach of the medical ethical codes (Rachels, 1975). On the other hand, active euthanasia is the use of a lethal substance to end one’s life. This method includes injecting a large amount of barbiturate or anesthetic medications into patients (Rachels, 1975). The patients would overdose on these medications and eventually pass away. Active euthanasia is the most popular method among patients who decide to end his or her life. Many patients prefer this method since ideally it is painless (Schiavo, 2011). Medical doctors are asked to perform this procedure because they have the training and the understanding of toxicology. Barbiturate is the common name for a group of drugs that act to depress the central nervous system activities (Levine, 2009). In the human body, the central nervous system consist s of the brain and the spinal cord. The psychomotor functions are affected significantly when barbiturates are in the central nervous system. This class of medication produces inhibitory effectShow MoreRelatedPhysician-Assisted Suicide - an Utilitarian Perspective Essay example1476 Words   |  6 PagesPhysician-assisted suicide is â€Å"the voluntary termination of ones own life by administration of a lethal substance with the direct or indirect assistance of a physician. Physician-assisted suicide is the practice of providing a competent patient with a prescription for medication for the patient to use with the primary intention of ending his or her own life† (MedicineNet.com, 2004). Many times this ethical issue arises when a terminally-ill patient with and incurable illness, whom is given littleRead MoreThe Ethical Considerations Of Ethics1132 Words   |  5 PagesEthical Considerations Ethics is one of the most important considerations when making a decision about end of life. It is also where the most controversy lies as arguments, using ethical theories, can be made for and against laws on end of life. â€Å"Ethics has at least two primary functions: to guide our actions, and to provide justification for the guidance given† (Schuklenk et al., 2011, p. 42). A duty-oriented ethicist would be against euthanasia and physician assisted death. They believe â€Å"we can’tRead MoreThe Debate Surrounding Physician-Assisted Suicide Essay1673 Words   |  7 PagesPhysician-assisted suicide is the practice in which a doctor prescribes a terminally ill patient with a lethal medication as a form of active, voluntary euthanasia. These patients, rather than suffer slowly and painfully, often request this procedure as a means of experiencing a more â€Å"dignified† death. The debate surrounding this issue is a heated one, especially among the general public whose attitudes are deeply influenced by the level of patient pain and discomfort (Frileux et al. 334). At theRead MorePhysician-Assisted Suicide Essay1038 Words   |  5 Pagesof their patients, or to assist them in ending their lives? Many people may believe that physicians would never perform the latter, but in actuality one practice does so. Physician assisted suicide is the intentional ending of one’s life brought on by lethal substances prescribed by a doctor. In the majority of cases, the patient is terminally ill and simply does not desire to live any longer. Their physician provides the medication necessary to end their life. Many supporters aver that this practiceRead MoreEuthanasi The Issue Of Euthanasia1675 Words   |  7 Pagestopic on ethics in America. It refers to the intentional putting to death of a person with an incurable or painful disease intended as an act of mercy (Newhealthguide.org, 2016). Euthanasia is closely related to doctor assisted suicide. However, the two acts differ in that, euthanasia means injecting a terminally sick patient with lethal dose of a drug or withdrawing feeding tubes to let the patient die of starvation . Assisted suicide on the other hand refers to the process where a physician availsRead MoreThe Ethical Issue Of Physician Assisted Suicide1580 Words   |  7 PagesIn Nicomachean Ethics, Aristotle establishes that â€Å"every art and every inquiry, and similarly every action and pursuit, is thought to aim at some good and for this reason the good has rightly been declared to be that at which all things aim† and explains this through the dialectic of disposition, particularly between vice and virtue. In chapter four, Aristotle affirms that since â€Å"all knowledge and every pursuit aims at some good†, we inherently seek the highest form which is known to both the massesRead MorePhysician Assisted Suicide: A Controversial Topic1566 Words   |  6 PagesPhysician Assisted Suicide has become an enormous debate across the world. It was originally thought to be entirely cruel and immoral, but, as time has passed and medical ethics have been considered, it has slowly gai ned acceptance. Physician Assisted Suicide (PAS) is a legitimate option for those suffering from painful terminal illnesses. It allows the patient who is suffering to have a choice in the matter of their life, which is valuable when someone is in such a vulnerable place. LegallyRead MorePhysician Assisted Death And Assisted Suicide Essay1114 Words   |  5 Pages Physician assisted death is a physician aiding in a patient’s death by prescribing a lethal dosage or informing a patient on a lethal amount of medication. This is not a new phenomenon, over the ages of medicine physicians have been asked by patients to end their suffering. More than half of physicians in today’s society have been asked in some form of way to participate in physician assisted death. People should be able to choose rather or not to end their life through terminal illness or inRead MorePhysician Assisted Suicide Should Not Harm Than Good864 Words   |  4 PagesIntroduction Physician-assisted suicide occurs when a physician facilitates a patient’s death by providing the necessary means and/or information to enable the patient to perform the life-ending act. For example, the physician provides sleeping pills and information about the lethal dose, while aware that the patient may commit suicide (Pullicino, n.d). On the other side, natural death occurs when a patient dies from the consequences of old age or disease. The patient s death may be at least partlyRead MoreThe Ethics Of Physician Assisted Suicide Essay1655 Words   |  7 Pagesprocedure of physician-assisted suicide (PAS) asks this very question. Although PAS is reasonably fresh to the sphere of moral matters it is often the main topic in many discussions about proper healthcare and palliative care. Physician-assisted suicide was initially permitted in the state of Oregon when the state passed its Death with Dignity Act in 1994 (Kotva, 2016). The Act requires that â€Å"a doctor provides a patient with a lethal dose of medication or another way of causing death, but the patient

Sunday, December 15, 2019

Strategic Process for Recruiting Employees Free Essays

Employee planning, recruiting, selecting, staffing and hiring is often a very difficult, timely and expensive task for any organization wishing to survive in today’s economy. In order for any organization to be successful they must attract and hire the most talented employees that fit the culture of the organization. It is the employees that make up an organization, so to be successful they must have a strict strategic process in place to recruit the right people for their organization. We will write a custom essay sample on Strategic Process for Recruiting Employees or any similar topic only for you Order Now There are many strategies that organizations use to recruit employees which include, the pipeline approach, competitiveness, employment branding, sourcing, diversity and technology to name a few. (ere. net, 2008, 4) At Patton –Fuller Community Hospital many of these strategies are used effectively by their Human Resource department. The pipeline approach is a strategy that seems to be one of the most important recruiting strategies because the approach builds a steady stream of applicants, and allows for resumes and applications to come in, and get sorted into areas of expertise that may be needed down the road. It is very important for organizations to plan for a need that may develop as time goes on. It is also extremely important to note that in every industry there lies a competitor. Organizations must take note of what the competitor is doing at all times when it comes to recruitment strategies. This strategy is one that could be adopted by Patton-Fuller Community Hospital in the case of losing an employee; it is always a good idea to have back-ups that may be available or recruited from the competition. Employment branding is extremely important in the recruiting process for any organization, especially in the medical field. The employees are attracted to a hospital’s external image as being a leader in the health care profession. Potential employees need to believe in where they work, and hospitals and other organizations can achieve this by painting this external image of what the organization is all about, attracting many talented applicants. Sourcing is a critical ecruitment strategy for Patton-Fuller Community Hospital. â€Å"If you don’t utilize sources that attract a high percentage of top performers, it is unlikely you will make a quality hire. † (ere. net, 2008, 8) Patton-Fuller relies upon their top-performing employees’ referrals, and recruiters that can screen potential applicants to ensure that they don’t end up with a weak hire. Diversity is becoming extremely important in all industries, but especially in the hospital setting. By hiring diverse people, the needs of the diverse patients that come into the hospital can be treated by a diverse group of individuals with different talents for different positions. Diversity for Patton-Fuller will allow for this hospital to succeed, so it is very important that they take this into consideration for every hire. Technology is the key for many hospitals wishing to survive in today’s economy. With new technologies on the rise Patton-Fuller can continue to advertise their needs on the web, which will save the company time and money by increasing the hiring speed and improve screening. In the medical field it is extremely important to have the most talented, dedicated team of professionals on staff to care for the needs of patients. The employees must be trusted not only by the patients, but also the staff. In order to ensure that the top notch employees are chosen, Patten-Fuller Community Hospital will have to continue to use the recruiting strategies that they currently use and try others as the future of technology is constantly changing. How to cite Strategic Process for Recruiting Employees, Essay examples

Saturday, December 7, 2019

Leave it to the universe free essay sample

Don Zadra once said: â€Å"It is more probable that your attitude, rather than your aptitude will determine your altitude in life.† As we grow up we are incessantly pelted with questions of the manner – â€Å"What do you want to be when you grow up?† Instead of ballerinas and pirates, we become high-achievers. We pursue the satisfaction of accomplishment in every aspect of our personhood. Therefore, our lives are entirely dependent on schedulers, cautious timing and grandiose plans whose sole purpose is to lead us to victory. In all probability we are prompted to think about our future for the first time as we enter the world of the classroom. There the nebulous concept â€Å"success† takes shape. We realize that every achievement brings about merits and rewards – a smiley face, a chocolate bar or a pound. It happens so that this makes us crave for more approval and recognition. So we work to rule, planning carefully every move we make, every step w e take along the path towards success. We will write a custom essay sample on Leave it to the universe? or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page We are taught that if we are diligent, manage our time scrupulously and complete our tasks conscientiously, we are prone to succeed. Nevertheless, sometimes obstructions get in the way and our plans come to nothing. No one is to blame because even though we try to schedule our life and dwindle all uncertainties and ventures, we are not in charge of everything. There are factors independent of our will, power and control. We just have to grapple with them and move on. What profoundly matters in this case is your reaction and attitude to the situation. What are you going to do now that your dog has eaten your paper and you’ve got less than an hour to rewrite it? Some of you are deathly convinced that redoing the assignment is mission impossible. Others would settle down and deal with the task at hand – hope of success flickering in their eyes. Taking risks sometimes pays off – you might get lucky and not be picked to read the essay. But would you hazard your excel lent grade when all you’ve been yearning for this whole year is success? I don’t think so! It is all about your attitude and self-esteem. Should you believe in yourself and work hard for what you strive to accomplish, you will eventually achieve your objectives regardless of last-minute calamities. Playing it safe is unassailably the best solution but when things get out of control gambling with your own success can be precarious. You are in the driver’s seat, however – you choose the road!

Friday, November 29, 2019

Pcl and Gpr free essay sample

Theory of Electromagnetic detection Mechanism behind PCL is Biot-Savart Law, which is an equation that describes the magnetic field generated by an electric current. The law is used to compute the resultant magnetic field B at position r generated by a steady current I (for example due to a wire). It means a continual flow of charges which is constant in time and the charge neither accumulates nor depletes at any point. It is a physical example of a line integral: evaluated over the path C the electric currents flow. The equation in SI units is  where dl is a vector whose magnitude is the length of the differential element of the wire, in the direction of conventional current, and ? 0 is the magnetic constant. Since the field surrounds the conductor and obeys the RHSR as shown in the following figure, it is a vector quantity, in which each point has magnitude and direction. We will write a custom essay sample on Pcl and Gpr or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Figure2: Magnetic field B at position r generated by a steady current I How can underground pipes and cables be located by PCL locator A Pipe Cable Locator detects a magnetic field around the line created by an alternation current flowing along the line. PCL detect magnetic fields Alternate electromagnetic current creates a moving and reversing magnetic field. When the receiver detects the presence of a conductor, signal appears. Afterwards, the strength of the signal is shown on the screen. The operator reads the response of the locator and interprets the result. Figure 4: Alternate electromagnetic current Difference between Passive and Active mode detection For passive detection, the signals are naturally present in conductors. The only equipment is a receiver. The application is to sweep and search for the existence of conductors buried underground. It emits 50 Hz and radio frequency. Its detection by radio is less definite. It should not be relied upon for depth measurement. For active detection, it requires the use of a signal generator (transmitter) to trace and pinpoint target lines. Signal can be transmitted to the cable by induction or signal clamp. It allows more precise work such as depth measurement and signal strength comparison. Passive modeActive mode – Direct connection Active mode – Signal clampActive mode Induction Table 1: Passive mode and Active mode detection Why passive mode is unreliable It is unable to identify the conductors unless tracing to the source to obtain clues. Passive signals can be unobvious. Frequency of signals is not relevant to the voltage. Frequency of signals depends on strength of the current and depth of the line. The result of passive detection can only be taken as reference but not accurate measurement. The function of a transmitter Transmitter discharges an identifiable signal and applies the signal to the target line. The receiver than traces and locates the lines by detecting the applied signal. It can also flood with signal and energize the lines in that area. Accessories are optional. Direct connection uses a pair lead (red for connection and black for grounding). Signal clamping uses a signal clamp. Direct connection Signal clamping ? Induction Table 2: the three main types of Active mode detection For direct connection, since contact to cable is necessary, this method is not suitable to detect electric cable but suitable to metallic pipe. Signal clamping is the most effective method. It can be applied to exposed cable (trail hole). However, the size of the cable is limited by the size of the clamp. The jaws of the clamp must be closed completely. For induction method, signal can be applied without access to the line. However, it is not accurate method since signals can induce onto nearby lines as well as the target. It is also inefficient on deep targets. Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) For the data collection part of GPR, the elapsed time between radar energy generation, reflection from the ground and the final record of reflected wave at the receiving antenna is measured. The amplitude and wavelength of the reflected radar waves received back to surface are also amplified for processing and viewing on a computer screen (Conyers, 2004). Reflection of radar energy occurs when energy enters into a material with different electrical conduction properties from materials it left. The amplitude of the reflection depends on the contrast in the dielectric constants of the two materials. High amplitude reflections usually appear when there is a sudden change in water content, lithologic or mineralogic changes (Laskowski W. , 2010). The following shows Schematic illustration of common-offset, single-fold profiling along a line showing major survey specification parameters. Fig. 5 Showing Schematic illustration of common-offset, single-fold profiling along a line showing major survey specification parameters. According to Conyers (2004), radar energy emits from the GPR antenna downward to the ground surface is of conical shape. Therefore reflected radar energy received by antenna may not come from buried objects that are directly below the antenna but still within the â€Å"beam† of propagating waves. Oblique radar wave travel to and from the ground surface is longer in distance and travelling time. These reflected radar wave will still be recorded by the antenna as if directly below the antennas, but deeper in the ground. When the GPR is propelled forward on the ground in transect, the antenna moves closer gradually to the buried object. The antenna will continually record reflections from the buried object before arriving on top of the object and continue to record after passing it. The following shows a signal paths between a transmitter and a receiver on the surface treated as rays following the paths. Fig. 6 A signal paths between a transmitter and a receiver on the surface treated as rays following the paths. A=direct airwave G=direct ground wave R=reflected wave C=critically refracted wave These transmitting and receiving radar waves produce a reflection parabola as time for radar wave transmit and reflect back to antenna is longer for point sources of reflection that are locate obliquely from the antenna. Two-way time traveled when antenna is moving close to the object will be shorter until the antenna reaches the top of the object. The situation is the reverse when the antenna moves away from the top of the object. Therefore, the apex of the parabola denotes the actual location of the buried point sources of reflection while the arms of the parabola are generated when the antenna receive the oblique radar wave.

Monday, November 25, 2019

Ethical Research Conduct

Ethical Research Conduct Introduction A research must have a researcher, research tools, participants and an audience. This paper explores various ethical considerations that must be followed when seeking consents from participants.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Ethical Research Conduct specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Philosophical and Historical Background Consent is a permission given to researchers to involve participants in a research process. This consent may be written or verbal depending on the nature of the study and the relation between the participant and researcher (Kim 2009). Philosophers believed that research consent is essential in all research involving human beings since it makes all parties concerned to be aware of the processes involved in the study. This is based on previous attempts to conduct research without the consent of participants which led to complications (withdrawal of participants, insufficient cooperation and hostility) during the study (Comstock 2013). These challenges necessitated the need to develop ways of ensuring participants obey the agreement signed before the study started. Therefore, participants were compelled to play their roles until when the process is completed. Ethical Issues in Articles 3.1-3.5 Article 3.1 explains that researchers must seek the participation of other people in the research by requesting them to be involved. This means that the researcher must not use force, manipulation, propaganda or gifts to persuade participants to agree to take part in the research (Comstock 2013). Most research processes take a lot of time and this may force participants to withdraw from the process. This has serious effects on the outcomes of the research if the participant is forced to sit through the whole process. Therefore, it is necessary to obtain voluntary consent from the participant before commencing with the research. Participants that volunteer to participate in res earch usually provide credible information in terms of accuracy and reliability. However, when a participant is forced to take part in a study the person may offer false information which will affect the research (Kim 2009). However, this act should be amended to give the researcher the ability to determine the level of volunteerism and also use incentives to ensure sensitive information is collected from the participants. Gifts can play important roles in influencing the response from participants.Advertising Looking for essay on ethics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More This article also states that consent can be cancelled and the participants to terminate their participation and withdraw their contributions in the research at anytime. This provision identifies the possibility of having various challenges that may interfere with the ability of the participant to provide useful information to the researcher. Issues l ike diseases and attitude are not easily predictable and may occur when the research is at a crucial stage. Consequently, the researcher cannot insist that the participant must continue taking part in the research since this will be dictatorship. However, these acts should be amended to ensure participants withdraw from the research only when there is an inevitable and logical reason. Article 3.2 demands that researchers should provide all information to participants to enable them to make informed choices regarding their participation in the research. This is an ethical consideration that ensures participants are aware of what is expected of them and thus they prepare physically and psychologically for the future events regarding the research. It is important for the participants to know what the research will involve, its aims and objectives and the period the research is expected to take. This ensures the research does not interfere with other personal programmes. Article 3.3 adv ocates for the need to maintain consent throughout the study and provide participants the data relevant to the ongoing project and consent. This part plays significant roles in ensuring participants are aware of their roles in the research. In addition, it guides the researcher in maintaining essential contact with participants (Shamoo 2009). New research issues cannot be raised during the research process if they were not included in the initial stage. Therefore, this contact ensures the researcher and participants maintain the focus of the research by working within the terms and conditions agreed by both parties (Comstock 2013). However, this article should be amended to include unforeseen eventualities that may force the researcher to adjust terms of engagement. Article 3.4 highlights the need to notify the participant of any incidental events or findings that may be discovered during the study. This issue must be addressed properly to avoid raising suspicions regarding the term s of engagement agreed earlier (Kim 2009).Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Ethical Research Conduct specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More However, the researcher must conduct an elaborate review to minimise the possibilities of discovering any material or issue during the research. The presence of many discoveries during the research exposes the researcher and participants to tensions and this interferes with the outcomes of the research. Article 3.5 states that the research cannot begin unless the researcher obtains consent from the participants or their third parties. This means that the above processes must be exhausted before the study commences (Macrina 2012). This provision ensures the researcher and participants reach an agreement before they get down to work. However, this article should specify the time required to reach an agreement between the researcher and participants to avoid wasting time in unnecessary ne gotiations. Conclusion Research is a complicated activity that requires proper planning and implementation of various procedures. A research is as good as the methods and approaches employed in collecting information, analysing and presenting it. A good research can be distorted by poor recording or presentation of the data collected. In addition, a poor research cannot attain its goals no matter how well the results have been recorded or presented. Therefore, there must be logical agreements between the researcher and participants to ensure the research achieves its goals. References Comstock, G. (2013). Research Ethics: A Philosophical Guide to the Responsible  Conduct of Research. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Kim, S. H. (2009). Evaluation of Capacity to Consent to Treatment and Research: Best Practices in Forensic Mental Health Assessment. New York: Oxford University Press.Advertising Looking for essay on ethics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Macrina, F. L. (2012). Scientific Integrity: Text and Cases in Responsible Conduct of  Research. New York: ASM Press. Shamoo, A.E. (2009). Responsible Conduct of Research. New York: Oxford University Press.

Friday, November 22, 2019

Hypertension or CVD Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Hypertension or CVD - Article Example The research findings indicates that approximately 5 percent of adolescents have coronary heart disease or its equivalents, or one or more of CHD risk factors such as smoking, hypertension, obesity and family history of early CHD (Kuklina, Yoon & Keenan, 2009). The authors then conclude that there is a high prevalence of CHD risk factors among the adolescents, but this does not seem to change screening rates. Therefore, they recommend that assessment and management of cardiovascular diseases, among adults should be improved. There is a significant bias in formulating the research hypothesis because the authors make this claim, but do not support it with a single evident from a primary or secondary source. The authors should have included at least two evidences from peer-reviewed articles on the same topic to valid their hypothesis. The research methodology is not well satisfying for a study in the nursing field. Other than using secondary data to for analysis, the authors should have included data collected from primary source. One-on-one interview with young adults and physicians would have provided valid data for this study. I feel that the authors’ conclusion that screening rates have not changed despite the high risk factors for cardiovascular diseases among young adults is not well satisfying. This is because CHD risk factors such as obesity and overweight have become so evident among children and adolescents, and most government programs are currently focusing on controlling these risk fact ors to protect the young adults from contacting cardiovascular diseases and their risk factors. This article is relevant in the nursing field because it shows that an unhealthy diet, which causes obesity, is one of the risk factors for the high prevalence of cardiovascular diseases and that screening of young adults, for the risk factors, is not yet a priority. Kuklina, E, V., Yoon, P, W. & Keenan, N, L. (September 25, 2009). Prevalence of Coronary

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Money and Payments Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Money and Payments - Coursework Example However, with electronic payment systems, commercial law uses solutions designed to transfer funds or assets electronically over long distances. For instance, hotels and banks simply swipe credit cards over ATMs or counter machines to transfer funds and verify information regarding the linked account and its holder. Technological advancements will certainly continue to lower transaction costs by reducing the steps involved with each transaction verification and user authentication protocol (Mastrianna, 2012). In addition, commercial law will grow to integrate more technological innovations in its regulations and allow for smoother transactions among financial institutions, and ultimately lower transaction expenses. The United States government can improve the accuracy of its measurements by encouraging open trade with overseas economies and a new economic incentive platform (Forrest, 2014). This incentive platform offers free cash to the public so that they can buy goods and services rather than pay for bills or invest. The government can make this cash available by lowering taxes, creating more employment opportunities, subcontracting fewer employment opportunities, stabilizing the national budget, enhancing infrastructure, and providing small commercial platforms (Forrest,

Monday, November 18, 2019

Biotransport Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1

Biotransport - Research Paper Example The model foresaw deadly values of pH (less than 6.5) in EHTs consisted of 106 cells per square centimeter. Predictions of pH slightly relied on oxygen concentration and strongly on carbon dioxide concentration and the length of diffusion path. In study conclusion, acidosis induced by hypoxia are an important factor in the mass transport problem. The limitations of Transport of critical nutrients obstruct cardiac tissue engineering. The available EHT models comprise of high-density neonatal cardiomyocytes in biopolymer hydrogel or scaffold of synthetic porous polymer. After cultivation by a bioreactor, the cardiac tissue constructs make tiny synchronous contractions like that of differentiated cardiac myofibrils. The problem that prevailed was of scaling the tissue constructs to clinical size and dead cells inside the construct. Reports emphasize on the importance of oxygen as a metabolite in cardiac tissue engineering and engineered cartilage. Reports has it that oxygen concentrations of less than 14 micro molar exist in 1mm EHT model solution and the rate of consumption of oxygen by cardiomyocyte finishes it to above zero. Laboratory data suggest that reduced oxygen does not cause cell death due to hypoxia. Acidosis initiate apoptosis. Lactate-induced acidosis of culture medium at pH 6 stimulates apoptosis in cultured cardiomyocytes. There is expectation that pH and oxygen have functions to play in tissue engineering mass transport problem. Generally, the work done was to analyze the pH gradients resulting from mass transport limitations in engineered heart tissue (EHT). Brown obtained neonatal rat ventricular myocytes (NRVM) for experiment. He noticed variations in the hypoxia response in acidification of culture medium in relation to the source and procurement method. Development of EHTs constructs succeeded Eschenhagen lab method plus some modifications. He neutralized 3.2mg/mL

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Different Gaits used by Bipeds and Quadrupeds

Different Gaits used by Bipeds and Quadrupeds Gait can be defined as the manner by which an animal moves.   This essay will detail the standard gaits of bipeds and quadrupeds in addition to the underlying concepts of these gaits and examples of the animals which practice them.   There are a number of technical terms used to describe gaits which will be outlined along with the classification of various gaits. Stride is defined as a complete cycle of leg movements, i.e. a select foot being set down to the next setting of the same foot, where each foot is only lifted and set down once in each stride.   Stride is further described by stride frequency, f, the number of strides per unit time, and stride length, ÃŽ », the distance travelled in a stride.   Thus, average speed, v, of an animals gait can be defined as fÃŽ ». The duty cycle of a foot is defined as the duration the foot is on the ground as a fraction of the stride.   In most gaits, the left and right feet of a pair have approximately equal duty factors.   Generally, in bipeds, when the duty factor is greater than 0.5 the gait is a walk (both feet on the ground at some point) and when it is less than 0.5 it is a run (both feet off the ground at some point). The relative phase of a foot is defined as the time the foot is set down as a fraction of the stride.   The first foot of a stride is assigned relative phase 0 and the rest have a relative phase between 0 and 1. There are four different classifications of gaits for bipeds: walk, run, skip and hop.   The walk and run gaits have symmetrical footfalls and alternating legs swings, whereas the skip and hop gaits have asymmetrical footfalls and synchronised legs swings. Bipedal walking in humans is described as a pendulum movement of the legs with the hips scribing a circular trajectory for each step.   Humans use walking as their primary gait as it is the most highly efficient and least energy consuming gait for them.   This efficiency comes from the pendulum movement of the legs; the basic principle of a swinging pendulum is conservation of mechanical energy: as potential energy increases, kinetic energy decreases and vice versa.   This helps minimise the metabolic energy required while walking as there is not net mechanical energy, making walking a very efficient gait for humans.   (www.physicsclassroom.com) Running, a faster gait, is a almost always more energy expending that walking for all animal.   The maximum walking speed is reached, at which the walk must change to a run, when the Froude number equals 1.0.   The Froude number, Fr, is dimensionless and can be defined by where v is the velocity, g is acceleration due to gravity and l is leg length.   Humans will spontaneously switch from a walk to a run at some point between a Froude number of 0.5 and 1.0, when the walking speed becomes less energy efficient than the same running speed. Skipping and hopping gaits are not often used by humans are they are less energy efficient and more unstable than the other two.   However, there are some bipedal animals that favour the skip or hop gait.   For example, hopping (when both feet have a relative phase of 0) can be advantageous in kangaroos as the legs are powerful enough to yield sufficient air time.   Similarly, skipping (when the relative phases of one foot is 0 and the other 0.3) was the preferred gait by many astronauts on the Apollo missions as the lesser force of gravity let arise to strides with long air time, making the gait highly energy efficient. Quadruped gaits are similar to the bipedal gaits, but with more precisely defined variety.   Quadrupeds may walk by walking or ambling; run by trotting or pacing; skip by cantering or galloping; hop by bounding or pronking.   The gaits are classified by the relative phase of each foot as seen below: Most quadrupeds are not capable of all gaits due to variables in their body (e.g. leg length, knee bend, foot position, foot size, etc.) and favour certain gaits over others due to energy expenditure.   Quadrupeds generally use symmetric gaits for slower running and asymmetric gaits for faster running.   For example, a horse with increasing speed will walk, trot, canter then gallop as it becomes more energy efficient to do so.   The trot is the most common run for quadrupeds, although camels pace and wildebeests change directly from a walk to a canter.   Quadrupeds like turtles, with slow muscles, can only walk, lifting one leg up at a time to maintain balance in the remaining three feet on the ground. In conclusion, bipeds and quadrupeds move by a variety of gaits, choosing the most suitable and energy efficient. Zoe Gargulak References       Michael W. Whittle, 2007, Gait Analysis: An Introduction R. McN. Alexander, 1984, The Gaits of Bipedal and Quadrupedal Animals http://www.physicsclassroom.com/mmedia/energy/pe.cfm (accessed: 14/03/16) R. McN. Alexander, 2004, Bipedal Animals, and their Differences from Humans Hugh Tyndale-Biscoe, 2005, Life of Marsupials Alberto E. Minetti, 1998, The Biomechanics of Skipping Gaits: a Third Locomotion Paradigm? Physical Principles of Biological Processes 2 (16B), 2017, Lecture 5: Posture and Gait

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Passing Essay example -- Essays Papers

Passing Nella Larsen's novel, Passing, provides an example of some of the best writing the Harlem Renaissance has to offer. Nella Larsen was one of the most promising young writer's of her time. Though she only published two novels it is clear that she was one of the most important writers of the Harlem Renaissance movement. Her career as writer probably would have lasted longer, but she was accused of plagiarizing her short story, "Sanctuary." She was eventually cleared of any wrong doing, but the accusation deeply tarnished her reputation as writer. It is truly a shame that the first African-American woman to win the Guggenheim Fellowship was forced out of writing by scandal. Before being haunted by scandal, Nella Larsen played an intricate role in the Harlem Renaissance. The Harlem Renaissance was a movement that started toward the end of World War I and lasted through the mid 1930's. It was the first notable movement of African-American writers and artists in the United States. It was given the name "Harlem Renaissance" because the movement was centered in the Harlem district in New York City. More African-American writers and poets were published during this period in the United States than ever before. Not only were African-American writers being published more, but they were also getting a great deal of recognition for their work. The body of work characteristic of this time period showed a heightened sense of racial consci...

Monday, November 11, 2019

Jig and Fixture Design

Abstract This paper proposes a design of jigs and fixtures for the mass production manufacturing of Sportsman Race Series aluminum slipper pistons (Probe Industries) that are used in the Chevrolet LS Series V8 engines. The designs of two sets of jig and fixture designs are proposed. The first set (two vee-blocks and a drill bushing) is designed for the process of drilling the wrist pin holes in the piston. The second design (two vee-blocks and a pin locator) is used in the milling of the skirts and lower form of the piston.The designs use principles of manufacturing facilities design, research on manufacturing practices and 3D modeling software (Catia) in order to optimize quality (accuracy), costs and productivity in the manufacture of such pistons. 1. Introduction 1. 1 The Piston An important mechanical component of an internal combustion engine, the piston is basically a solid part in an airtight cylinder that moves under the pressure of a fluid and transfers the force of the expa nding gas to a crankshaft through a connecting rod (The American Heritage, 2005). Pistons typically consist of a few main features.Pistons are cylindrical. The top part of the piston that comes into contact with the expanding gas is the crown. All pistons have a wrist pin hole to contain a steel wrist pin that attaches the piston to a rod that is connected to the crankshaft. The skirt of the piston is the end opposite the crown and is often milled in the sides to reduce weight. 1. 2 Selected Component (Chevrolet LS Series V8 Piston) The specific component chosen for the design project is the Sportsman Race Series aluminum slipper piston (Probe Industries) used in the Chevrolet LS Series V8 engine.The high-speed nature of a V8 engine requires pistons to have reduced weight to improve engine balancing. Unlike older pistons that were made with cast iron, this piston is made with forged aluminum alloy to reduce its weight as well as improve fatigue life. Furthermore, this specific pisto n is a slipper piston with a length of only half its diameter and has some parts milled off in order to reduce size and weight dramatically. 1. 3 Objectives, Scope, and Assumptions The aim of this design project is to design jigs and fixtures for the mass production of the aluminum slipper piston used in the Chevrolet LS Series V8 engine.The scope of the design project is limited to designing jigs and fixtures for the only two processes in the manufacture of such pistons that require jigs and fixtures, specifically the drilling of the wrist pin holes and the milling of the skirts and lower form of the piston. The design project does not account for the exact design, accuracy or efficiency of the drilling and milling machines. The strength and hardness of the materials are not considered. The time and motion in between the processes are not measured for optimization. 2. Manufacturing the Component 2. 1 Component DesignThe exact specifications and design of the piston for the Chevrole t LS Series V8 engine were taken from a manufacturer of such pistons, Probe Industries. The bore (diameter) of the piston is 4 inches and the height is 2 inches. The wrist pin hole is 0. 927 inches in diameter and centered at 1. 155 inches below the crown. The wrist pin length is 2. 5 inches, meaning that the skirt below the oil grooves is milled at each end of the wrist pin hole up to 1. 25 inches away from the center of the cylinder (Probe Industries, 2012). These dimensions are important in the milling and drilling processes in the manufacture of the piston.The image below shows the rest of the dimensions and the tolerances (calculations shown later). 2. 2 Machining Processes in Manufacture of Component After forging a solid aluminum slug into the basic shape of the piston with the desired strength and stability, the component undergoes several machining processes. The first machining process involves using a lathe or a CNC turning machine to make the base, cut out oil rings or g rooves, and drill oil holes. The second process is to drill a large hole on one side of the piston through to the other. This (wrist pin hole) is where the wrist pin is placed to attach the piston to the connecting rod.The third process is to use a milling machine to shave off material at the sides where the wrist pin hole was drilled in order to reduce the weight of the piston. The fourth machining process involves finishing with a lathe machine, wherein the crown is made into its final shape, the bottom edges of the skirt are shaped, and slots/engravings are made. 3. 3 Machining Processes Requiring Jigs and Fixtures The only processes that require jigs and fixtures are the second and third machining processes, the drilling process and milling process. The first and the fourth process use CNC turning/lathe machines and they require no jigs or fixtures.The process of drilling the wrist pin hole however requires a bushing to locate the point in the cylinder that needs to be drilled a s well as a lower vee-block (with a locator at on end) and an upper vee-block (with the bushing and a pin/screw connecting to the lower vee-block) to hold the cylinder. The process of milling requires a lower vee-block as well but with a pin that goes through the wrist pin hole to hold the piston in place in the vee-block. A second, upper vee-block is used to guide the milling machine. The upper and the lower vee-block are referenced to each other with pins. 3.Functional Analysis of Jigs and Fixtures 3. 1 Drilling Process For the drilling process, a vee-block fixture is required to hold and support the cylindrical component. The design of the vee-block includes a locator at the end of the cylinder to keep the piece from moving and to help put the cylinder/piston in the right position. To drill the hole, a bushing is required to guide the drilling machine. The bushing goes through an upside-down vee-block that is put in location by pins connecting it to the lower vee-block. Bushing f or Jig Assembly: Vee-Block for Jig Assembly: Drilling Jig Assembly:Drilling Fixture Assembly (Vee-Block): Drilling Process Jig and Fixture Assembly: 3. 2 Milling Process For the milling process, the piston must be held in the right position and orientation. A vee-block is again used to support the cylindrical piston. And a locating pin is placed in the center of the vee-block at an exact location along it in order to put the piston in the right position along the vee-block and at the right orientation (hole facing upwards) for the milling to be correct (since only the sides with the holes must be milled and only exactly below the oil rings).A thin upside-down vee-block is strapped on to the top of the cylinder and connected to the lower vee-block at an exact location (using pins or screws) in order to hold the piston in place and to keep the milling machine from milling into the oil rings. To mill the other side, the piston is simply turned over and fitted into the locator from the newly milled side. Milling Process Jig (Vee-Block): Milling Process Fixture (Vee-Block and Locating Pin): Milling Process Jig and Fixture Assembly: 4. Tolerance Calculation 4. 1 Tolerance Calculation of Jig and Fixture for Drilling Process To compute or the tolerance of the upper jig of the drilling process, the tolerances of the left and right locating pins and pin holes are computed first. The tolerances and the clearances must be just enough so that both locating pins can fit in the pin holes (in all cases including largest and smallest size of one or both pins and of one or both holes). It should be noted that the worst possible scenario is that on one side of the jig, the hole is the maximum size and the pin is the minimum size while on the other side, the hole is the minimum size and the pin is the maximum size. Given that the diameter of each pin hole in the jig is 12. mm (or 0. 5 inches); the tolerance chosen for this is plus/minus 0. 01 mm (leading to a range of 12. 69-12. 71 mm for the diameter of the hole). A clearance of 0. 05 mm is chosen, causing the largest diameter for the locating pin to be 12. 64 mm. The tolerance chosen for the locating pin is plus/minus 0. 005 mm (leading to a range of 12. 635-12. 645 mm for the diameter of the pin). In the worst case scenario, on one side, the maximum hole size would be 12. 71 mm while the minimum pin size would be 12. 635 mm (leading to a potential gap of 0. 075 mm and a left or right shift of 0. 0375 mm).In the worst case scenario for locating pins where one side has a maximum hole of 12. 71 mm and a minimum pin of 12. 635 mm and the other side of the jig has a minimum hole of 12. 69 mm and a maximum pin of 12. 645 mm, the maximum shift of 0. 0375 mm on either side would still allow the larger pin to fit in the smaller hole since there would still be a gap of 0. 0075 mm (12. 69 – 0. 0375 – 12. 645 = 0. 0075). Since the bushing is screwed on tight into the jig, there is no clearance between the bushing and the jig and thus no need to differentiate between the two pieces in terms of tolerance.The tolerances of the pins and pin holes would cause variation in the position of the drill. The worst case scenario would be if on any side, the pin hole is of maximum size (12. 71 mm) and the locating pin is of minimum diameter (12. 635 mm) leading to a potential gap of 0. 075 mm and a left or right shift of 0. 0375 mm. This shift would cause the drill (center of bushing hole) to move 0. 0375 mm in any direction from the center of the jig, and thus the final wrist pin hole would be plus/minus 0. 0375 mm from the center of the final product (50. 7625 – 50. 8375 mm from the side of the piston and 29. 025 – 29. 3775 mm from the top of the piston). This is within the product specification wherein the tolerance is plus/minus 0. 05 mm (50. 75 – 50. 85 mm from the side of the piston and 29. 29 – 29. 39 mm from the top of the piston). The positions of the loca ting pins and pin holes for the upper and lower vee-block have a tolerance of 0. 005 mm on any direction and thus cause the position of the drilled hole to be between 29. 335-29. 345 mm from the top of the piston and between 50. 795-50. 805 mm from the side of the piston (still within product specifications).The locator on the lower fixture as well as the back plate each has a tolerance of 0. 005 mm combining into a worst case shift of 0. 01 mm and would cause the position of the drill to be between 29. 33-29. 35 mm from the top of the piston (still within product specifications). All the other tolerances of the drilling assembly have no effect. 4. 2 Tolerance Calculation of Jig and Fixture for Milling Process For the milling process, the holes in the upper and lower vee-blocks for the pins that locate the upper vee-block are exactly the same as in the upper jig for the drilling process.Thus the tolerances are the same (0. 01 mm hole tolerance, 0. 05 mm clearance, and 0. 005 mm loca ting pin tolerance) and so is the worst case scenario (shift of 0. 0375 mm). Since the upper vee-block guides the milling machine with a feeler gauge of 0. 01 mm, the worst case scenario would mean that the milled section is either 0. 0375 mm too high or too low on the piston (16. 7625 – 16. 8375 mm from the top of the piston). This is within the product specification wherein the tolerance is plus/minus 0. 05 mm (16. 75 – 16. 85 mm from the top of the piston).As of the lower fixture for the milling process, the symmetrical vee-block allows the cylindrical component to remain centered without rolling even when the size of the component or the fixture varies, thus eliminating the need to set tolerances. However, the tolerance must be calculated for the locating pin that goes through the wrist pin hole since a gap here would cause milling area to move up or down from the top of the piston. The hole that was previously drilled with a diameter of 23. 55 mm is assumed to hav e a tolerance of 0. 01 mm from the drilling process.A clearance of 0. 05 mm is chosen. And the locating pin has a tolerance of 0. 005 mm, thus ranging in size from 23. 49 – 23. 5 mm. In the worst case scenario of a hole with a maximum of 23. 56 mm and a locating pin with a minimum of 23. 49 mm, the potential gap would be 0. 07 mm or a shift of 0. 035 mm up or down the cylinder. This would lead the milling machine to start milling at a point between 16. 765 – 16. 835 mm from the top of the piston. This is within product specification wherein the tolerance is plus/minus 0. 05 mm (16. 75 – 16. 85 mm from the top of the piston).The locations of all the holes and locating pins should have a tolerance of 0. 005 on any direction in order to keep within product specifications. 5. Clamp Selection and Force Calculation For the drilling process, strap clamps are applied on the fixture by using a pair of socket head cap screws on the two sides of the upside-down vee-block. The two socket head cap screws locate the upper vee-block and clamp it to the lower vee-block when holding the work piece piston in place. The diameter of the holes on lower vee-block for screw is 12. 7 mm, thus M12 size socket head cap screws are selected for clamping.The tool force direction of drilling is downward and it has a tool rotation. The strap clamps fasten the upside-down vee-block and the lower vee-block preventing the cylinder from rotational motion and horizontal motion. The tool force can be taken advantage of clamping down the work piece cylinder. According to Spaenaur (2012), the tightening torque of a screw is the product of torque-friction coefficient, nominal screw diameter, and clamping load (T = KDP). The Table 1 has shown that the M12 socket head cap screw has a minimum tensile strength of 160000 pound per inch, and its material is High Carbon Quenched Tempered.In addition, it has a production torque of 125 pound. feet.. Then search this torque data in the re lated Table 2, the clamping force is approximately 13395 pound. For the milling process, the strap clamps are applied by a pair of socket set screws on the two sides of the thin upside-down vee-block. The two socket set screws locate the upper vee-block and clamp it to the lower vee-block when holding the work piece piston in place. The diameter of the holes on lower vee-block for screw is 12. 7 mm, thus M12 size socket set screws are selected for clamping.The table 1 has shown that M12 socket set screw has a minimum tensile strength of 212000 pound per inch, and its material is also High Carbon Quenched Tempered. It has a production torque of 43 pound. feet.. It can be seen in the related table, the clamping force is approximately 4286 pound. For a drilling machine, Pirtini and Lazoglu (2005) has proved that the pressure over the work piece as the cutter moving down into the work piece with same federate remains a constant value, and additional tests have been suggested that the co nstant pressure P(f) (MPa) can be described as a function of feed rate (f) (mm/min).P (f) = 1. 5364f – 103. 06. If the feed rate of the drilling machine is 198 mm/min, then the pressure is 201. 14 MPa. The equation to calculating cutting force is F= P * A. where F is the net force between the measured force and predicted thrust force due to cutting in the thrust direction and A is the contacting area of the cutter at an instant. The force is about 87 kN with the 23. 55 mm diameter drilling hole. For milling machine, we take the piston as an example: Width of cut = 79. 3mm = 3. 122 inch Depth of cut = 19 mm = 0. 748 inch Feed rate = 19. 5 inch/min K† factor =1. 56 MRR = depth of cut x width of cut x feed rate MRR = 3. 122 x 0. 748 x 19. 5 = 45. 54 inch? /min A formula for calculating horsepower (HPC) of the milling cutter is HPC = MRR/K HPC = 45. 54 / 1. 56 = 29. 19 hp The formulas above are from the article ‘A New Milling 101: Milling Forces and Formulas’ ( Brian Hamil, 2011). One metric horsepower can be defined as the power to raise a mass of 75 kilograms against the earth's gravitational force over a distance of one meter in one second. It can be calculated that the tool force is about 21 kN. . Cost Calculation Operation| Part| Rough Volume (m? )| Drilling| Lower vee-block| 0. 00095| | Upper upside-down vee-block| 0. 00051| Milling| Lower vee-block| 0. 00082| | Thin upside-down vee-block| 0. 00023| Total Volume| | 0. 00251| Density = 7225 kg/m? Mass = 18. 13 kg = 39. 97 pound Iron Materials| Casting process| Cast iron cost (USD/lb) without machining| Machining cost(USD/lb)| Gray iron| Green sand| 0. 58 to 0. 61| 0. 07 to 0. 14| | Resin sand| 0. 65 to 0. 69| 0. 07 to 0. 14| | Shell molding| 0. 72 to 0. 76| 0. 07 to 0. 14|Ductile iron| Green sand| 0. 64 to 0. 67| 0. 07 to 0. 14| | Resin sand| 0. 71 to 0. 74| 0. 07 to 0. 14| | Shell molding| 0. 75 to 0. 79| 0. 07 to 0. 14| Gray iron with shell molding machining process is selected for the fixture. Then the total cost for the 4 vee-blocks can be calculated: (0. 74 + 0. 10) x 39. 97 = 35. 57 USD = 32. 81 AUD Items| Description| Quantity| Total Cost (AUD)| Vee-block| –| 4| 32. 81| Socket head cap screw| M12 x 60 High Tensile| 2| 5. 49| Socket set screw| M12 X 60 Grade 14. 9| 2| 3. 13| Bushing| 79 Honda CBX Bronze Swing Arm| 1| 22. 4| Locating pin| 23. 5 mm diameter| 1| 18. 87| Total Cost| | | 83. 24| Thus the total cost for our design is approximately 83. 24 AUD. It should be noted that the selling price of the final product ranges between 100-200 AUD. 7. Conclusion It can thus be concluded that in the manufacture of Sportsman Race Series aluminum slipper pistons (Probe Industries) for Chevrolet LS Series V8 engines, jig and fixture assemblies can be used for the two machining processes (drilling the wrist pin hole and milling the bottom form of the piston).The jigs and fixtures designed were basically assemblies of Vee-Blocks with a bushing for the drilling process and another assembly with a locating pin through the wrist pin hole for the milling process. The tolerances were designed in order to not exceed the tolerances in the product specifications. The clamp forces were found to be sufficient and the cost of the jig and fixture is very small compared to the profit made from the final product. The design furthermore is very simple and is thus easily modified to be integrated in a fast-moving assembly line. Therefore it can be concluded that the jig and fixture designs are appropriate. . References Hamil, B. (2011) ‘A New Milling 101: Milling Forces and Formulas’ http://www. mmsonline. com/articles/a-new-milling-101-milling-forces-and-formulas. Pirtini, M. & Lazoglu, I. (2005) Forces and hole quality in drilling International Journal of Machine Tools & Manufacture 45 (2005) 1271–1281. Spaenaur (2012) ‘Suggested Tightening Torque1 Values to Produce Corresponding Bolt Clamping Loads’. http://www. spaena ur. com/pdf/sectionD/D48. pdf 9. Appendix Table 1 http://www. torqwrench. com/Info/fasteners. php Table 2 http://www. torqwrench. com/Info/fasteners. php

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Article on Letters to Alice Essays

Article on Letters to Alice Essays Article on Letters to Alice Essay Article on Letters to Alice Essay Advice to a Green-Haired Punker By HILMA WOLITZER | LETTERS TO ALICE On First Reading Jane Austen. By Fay Weldon. | he premise of Letters to Alice on First Reading Jane Austen is that literature matters in the larger scheme of things, that reading can inform and alter ones life. This slender volume is its own best argument. Billed as an epistolary novel, it is more a study of a writer (and reader) thinking aloud about art and civilization. The letters, from Aunt Fay, are addressed to an imaginary niece away at school, a green-haired punker who rebels against reading Jane Austen and who is busy writing her own novel. Letters to Alice was probably inspired by a series of instructive letters Austen sent to an actual niece on the occasion of her first attempts at novel-writing. Fay Weldon, the gifted and prolific British novelist, has a clear debt to Austen; her own fiction reveals a dry wit and is devilishly incisive in its portraiture. In this book, she refers to the City of Invention, where novelists build Houses of the Imagination and readers explore for pleasure and illumination. Here in this City of Invention, the readers come and go, by general invitation, sauntering down its leafy avenues, scurrying through its horrider slums, waving to each other across the centuries, up and down the arches of the years. Critics, we are told, are mere bus drivers here. The fictitious Miss Weldon tries to lure Alice into this metropolis, between the Road to Heaven and the Road to Hell, acknowledging the competition of the local McDonalds, of certain books with empty calories and even of Alices own nervous dread of literature. She approaches the city as both a builder and a visitor, with appropriate measures of awe and trepidation. Woven into the narrative is a kind of fiction. Aunt Fay is estranged from Alices parents, and although she hopes to become reconciled with them, she deliberately gives their daughter subversive advice and aid. In the single letter she writes to her sister, Enid, Fay defends herself. Of course I am not encouraging your daughter Alice to write a novel. Of course she should concentrate on her studies. Still, she offers her niece outrageous rewards for literary effort and does encourage rebellion against the conventions that stifle the creative spirit. Most of all she makes Alice think. She draws her attention, and ours, to the inevitable connections between art and life by alternating passages from Austens novels with the facts of her real experience. In the most moving sections she describes the conditions under which women lived in early 19th-century England. The details of domesticity, the fact of womens total financial dependence on fathers and husbands and the statistics on mortality in childbirth are equally affecting. At once there is a sense of the general tenor of the times and of the particular personal history of one writer a spinster in her parents Georgian household inventing and recording other lives at a modest round table between the hearth and the window. Miss Weldon persuasively defends Austen for excluding certain worldly concerns from her work and praises her for her moral courage and for independence of thought and expression. It is true that the world of politics and power, dissent and revolution, feature a lmost not at all, in Jane Austens novels, but this was surely from choice rather than from ignorance. The main concentration in Letters to Alice is on the life and work of Jane Austen. We witness her childhood, her evolution as a writer and even her early death from Addisons disease, which is now treatable. But this is a generous book, with a broader scope one that evokes the various joys and responsibilities of the artist and the consumer of art. It defines and celebrates their shared experience, and perhaps it should be required reading, a prerequisite for students of literature. Aunt Fay writes to Alice: Only endure! Loveless marriages turn again to loving ones; unwanted children become wanted; the study that bores you today may enlighten you tomorrow. Do not change courses in mid-stream, Alice. Do not abandon Eng. Lit. for Social Studies. Simply write your own book to counteract the danger of too much analysis; synthesize as much as you analyze, and you will yet be saved. W E can only make assumptions about Alices response to such impassioned urging. (This reader immediately sought out and read Austens lesser-known Lady Susan.) We do learn that Alice plugs away at her novel and then submits it for publication, risking painful rejection. Her aunt has prepared her for that likelihood too. The eventual commercial success of Alices book it far outsells all of Aunt Fays is reported with rueful pride. Lucky Alice, to be saved from her own inclinations toward indolence and arrogance by Miss Weldons seductive invitation to the City of Invention. For anyone withou t such a wise and loving aunt, there is this splendid little book.

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Christmas Tree or Floral Preservative Recipe

Christmas Tree or Floral Preservative Recipe Christmas tree preservatives (aka Christmas tree food) and cut flower preservatives contain the same ingredients: a food source for the plant, an acidifier (making hard water more acidic which helps the plant take in water and food), and a disinfectant to prevent mold, fungi, and algae from growing. This is an easy process that takes mere minutes. Christmas Tree Preservative Ingredients 1 gallon water2 cups light corn syrup4 teaspoons chlorine bleach4 teaspoons lemon juice or vinegar (optional) How To Make Christmas Tree Food Mix the ingredients together and keep the solution in the base for the Christmas tree or vase for cut flowers. Both trees and flowers will last longer in cooler areas away from direct sunlight.Make sure the tree or flower always has water. Regularly refill the vase or the base where the tree sits. In addition, you may wish to spritz the tree or flowers periodically with water from a spray bottle.You can store the solution for four to five  days at room temperature in a closed container, or two weeks refrigerated. Tips Do not drink! If you plan on making enough tree or cut flower preservative to store, label your container and keep it out of reach of children and pets.Bleach and vinegar produce toxic vapors when mixed. If you add vinegar or lemon juice, add it to the water rather than mix it directly with the bleach. Its okay to use bleach without the lemon juice or vinegar if this worries you.If you dont have corn syrup, you can substitute 4 teaspoons of sugar, dissolved in the water. Some people add a penny to a sugar solution so that the copper can act as a fungicide and acidifier.Another common option is to substitute a can of acidic soft drink, like Sprite or 7-Up, instead of the corn syrup and lemon juice. Just add a can of (non-diet) soft drink to a gallon of water, with a splash of bleach.For flowers, youll probably want to cut the recipe to 1 quart water, 1/2 c. corn syrup, 1 tsp. bleach, 1 tsp. lemon juice.

Monday, November 4, 2019

Illegal immigrant Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Illegal immigrant - Essay Example With the downfall of the United States economy, finding jobs has become a difficult and almost impossible task for many people. Many businesses are unable to afford to take on new workers, or potential employees are either under-qualified or overqualified. Illegal immigrants, on the other hand, are finding no problems whatsoever in obtaining employment, finding the few jobs that are willing to pay employees regardless of their citizenship. Since these immigrants are illegal, they are either using fake identification cards to get their job or are else being paid under the table, and therefore are not contributing to state or federal taxes. If a legal resident of this country were in that job, the money they would make would be going to taxes, which is part of being an American. These taxes also help the state of the economy. Furthermore, when these illegal immigrants take on these jobs, they are taking away job opportunities for people that legally have a right to be working in this c ountry. Numerous news broadcasts have revealed that many places are hiring illegally, despite the fact that there are many legal people in this country who need a job just as bad as the person who obtained the employment illegally. Children of illegal immigrants have also shown to put a great strain on legal Americans in the school systems because of their inability to speak the dominating language of the classroom, which is English, and this can slow down the progress of the classroom. When young illegal immigrants enter this country, they usually do not know how to speak, read, or write in English. This has caused school systems to put these children in a level of immediate priority, slowing down the progress of the rest of the class so that those children can catch up. They are unable to keep up with the rest of the class, and instead of seeking help outside of the classrooms; teachers must use class time to ensure that those non-English speaking students understand what it going on. This slows down the rest of the students, and it is all for the sake of just a couple of students. Instead of learning the language of the country that they are immigrating to, they instead make it difficult for the rest of the students to learn as they attempt to grasp what they are being taught. In a few of my classes, the lessons would have to be stopped so that the non-English speakers would be given the chance to either have the information translated for them or explained in a way, usually through a combination of English and sign language, so that they may understand what is being said. Similarly, colleges have begun to pay special attention to the citizenship status of students, though not in a way that benefits legal residents. Unable to afford schooling, which is something that many people can currently relate to, illegal immigrants are given the scholarships and grants that should rightfully be given to the students that legally reside in this country. Many American college-hopefuls have found it to be increasingly difficult to obtain the money they need to attend school because someone else is receiving it. More often than not, that someone else is illegal and should not be receiving government funds. Finally, illegal immigrants are depleting the resources and opportunities that are reserved for legal residents. Some of

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Annotade Bibliography on IQ Annotated Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Annotade on IQ - Annotated Bibliography Example Catherine Zentile. What IQ Tests Cant Tell You. Science Articles: The Naked Scientists: Science Radio & Science Podcasts. Cambridge University. 2008. Available at http://www.thenakedscientists.com/HTML/articles/article/what-iq-tests-cannot-tell-you/. The author explains in his article that IQ changes over time. She uses a research that was carried out by Flynn in 1984 in which Flynn found out that IQ changes over generations. She also explains that In order for an I.Q. test to give an accurate score it must be standardized using a representative sample of the age group, giving the median person a score of 100. This article will provide me with information about how IQ has changed over time. The article explains how Psychologists are broadening the concept of intelligence and how to test it using different methods. The author put into context how different psychologists are improving the methods of IQ test and how they are coming up with new methods. The author borrowed information from researchers like Nadeen Kaufman, Jack Naglieri and others in explaining his points. The article will provide me with information from different psychologist on how new methods are developing and how far the broadening has gone. The author explains how the general IQ scores of a population change over time. The author uses the three graphs that was used by Flynn to explain the change in intelligence. It also explains different types of intelligence. The article provides information on IQ gain and possible causes for the Flynn Effect. The author explains different theories of intelligence. The author found out there is no standard definition of intelligence in his research. The author researched the information from different theories by different people. The article will assist me in my literature review by providing information on different theories of intelligence. In this book, the author argues that there are several methods of measuring human IQ and

Thursday, October 31, 2019

Contingency leadership theories and contemporary leadership Essay

Contingency leadership theories and contemporary leadership - Essay Example This research will begin with the statement that the general definition of contingency theories is that it is a class of behavioral theory. More so, contingency theory is a process of trying to identify and measure the conditions under which things or circumstances are likely to occur. These behavioral theories claim that there is no perfect way of organizing a corporation and the organizational structure of the company. An organizational or leadership style that is effective in some situations may differ from other organizations. This is so because organizations are different in structure and size. Therefore, the best way of having an organized organization is contingently depending on the external and internal situation of the company. This is the case because; external environments have numerous impacts on an organization in numerous ways. Critical external factors include the size of the organization, availability, labor markets, cost of capital, competitors, strategies, governme ntal laws and policies, managerial assumptions about employees, technologies used, and other diverse situations. Traditional leadership theories elaborated on leadership as nature borne of individual and established on the impossibility to create such attributes on a grown individual as illuminated by the great man theory, whilst a contrasting theory of the behavioral implicates on the possibility of an individual to be a leader as shown through traits.... Commonly, the contingency, transformational, and transactional approaches derive the best results whenever forecasting on the capabilities of an individual (CDR Associates, 2007:7). However, changes in leadership are continuously emerging because of the dynamics in the environment and acquisition of skill. Authenticity, building of trust and relationships are the modern approaches to effective organizational leadership. The cognitive perspective approach assigns that follower’s posses shared beliefs about a leader’s behaviors and beliefs about their leaders’ behaviors and traits (Gilbert, 2003:443). This influences how the followers encode information about their leaders by targeting the quality of ideas, quantity of speech and leaders ability to open up for friendliness. This means that the leader’s behavior influences his follower’s behaviors who perceive the reflection that leadership offers. Therefore, a leader should have the capability of buil ding up healthy and ethical relationships that would interconnect the personnel to a single group targeting to deliver performances to enhance organizational performances (Gill, 2010:50). The leader should remain emphatic to employees and avoid biases that would divide the employees. In order to ensure that the company performs obligations to the fullest, the leader should bear motivational characteristics and avoid any act that would seem to induce pressure on the personnel (Collins & O'Rourke, 2009:16). Though scholars had their own perspective of leadership, the bottom line of each of them was that every organization despite the size should have an efficient and outstanding leader. This is the case because efficient managerial leadership influences

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Food industry Essay Example for Free

Food industry Essay Food is the most important element of human survival. Food contains essential nutrients the human body requires to intake. From vitamins to calories, just a few of the nutrients that make a body function. Without food there is no survival; however, the way food is processed in America today, Americans might as well be dead. Furthermore, unhealthy products flood America’s food supply. A vast majority of these products are highly processed foods. Highly processes foods are extremely dangerous to one’s health (Squires). Process foods cause severe harm to the human body and furthermore lead to illnesses such as obesity, diabetes, and high cholesterol. (Squires). The way Food is manufactured in America today causes numerous of illness and sometimes death. Therefore, the United States Food and Drug Administration must rigorously regulate the food industry to efficiently maintain the safety of food. There are three vital motives why the Food and Drug Administration must regulate the process of food. First, without stricter regulation, the quality of the livestock industry will steeply decline.Second, if not regulated, the high usage of high fructose corn syrup will continue to increase. Lastly, if the Food and Drug Administration does not regulate the process of food, the creation of genetically modified food will continue to occur. In all, the Food and Drug Administration must strictly regulate the livestock industry to preserve health of America. The United States Food and Drug Administration must rig orously regulate animal factories to effectively maintain the safety of meat. The Food and Drug Administration cannot allow animal factories to deliberately contaminant the food supply. By allowing existing methods to continue, it puts all consumers at great risk. Currently, animal factories utilize disgusting methods to minimize cost and maximize profit (They Eat What). These horrific methods consist of purposely distorting the nature of animal feed (They Eat What). The Union of Concerned Scientists published an article â€Å"They Eat What? † where they expose the animal factories of their horrific acts. The Union of Concerned Scientists state, â€Å"Many of the ingredients used in feed these days are not the kind of food the animals are designed by nature to eat†(They Eat What). This establishes that factories do what ever they desire; disregarding the fatal effects it can impose on animals let alone on human heath. Animals by nature are not supposed to consume the remains of the same species; however, factories continue to do so, as it maximizes profit by utilizing all parts on an animal (They Eat What). Diseased animals, same species meat, skin, blood, manure, and unhealthy portions of grain are all items consisting in animal feed (They Eat What). Furthering the argument, the Union of Concerned Scientists added. â€Å"Animal feed legally can contain rendered road kill, dead horses, and euthanized cats and dogs† (They Eat What). This low standard production of animal feed is simply repulsive. If the Food and Drug Administration do not enforce stricter regulations on the animal factories, only fatal side effects will follow. Serious human health concerns will steeply arise if this unacceptable method to nurture livestock continues. The outburst of Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy also known as mad cow disease is a great example. Mad cow disease is a transmissible form of brain damage that occurs when rendered cattle are fed back to cattle. (They Eat What). This disease is extremely dangerous as it can be spread to humans. Humans can obtain a form of mad cow disease by consuming meat products that carry the disease (They Eat What). The Food and Drug Administration have taken steps in banning any methods that lead to mad cow disease. However, their lack of effectiveness has created of loophole in the system and animal factories are taking full advantage. The Union of Concerned Scientists presented evidence exposing the loophole in the Food and Drug Administration regulations. The Union of Concerned Scientists assert, â€Å"Under current law, pigs, chickens, and turkeys that have been fed rendered cattle can be rendered and fed back to cattle—a loophole that may allow mad cow agents to infect healthy cattle† (They Eat What). This is unacceptable. The Food and Drug Administration inherent purpose is to regulate any methods that cause harm to human beings, yet the fail to do so. It is unjust for the Food and Drug Administration to purposely allow the livestock industry to taint the production of meat. Therefore, if the Food and Drug Administration do not enforce stricter regulations the safety of livestock will only decline at extreme rates. However, there are other motives why the Food and Drug Administration must regulate the process of food. The United States Food and Drug Administration must rigorously regulate the amount of high fructose corn syrup used in food products, as it unsafe to consume. High fructose corn syrup is a cheaper form of sweetener derived from corn (Stossel). High fructose corn syrup is the ubiquitous sweetener in American products, as it is extremely inexpensive to produce (Stossel). Furthermore, the excessive usage of high fructose corn syrup has become the greatest contributor to the epidemic of cardiovascular disease (Flavin). Cardiovascular disease is the primary reason for premature death in America (Flavin). Cardiovascular diseases consist of obesity, diabetes, heart and kidney disease (Flavin). In modern America, the consumption of high fructose corn syrup has drastically increased. Sally Squires, a writer for the Washington Post wrote an article â€Å"Stealth Calories† where she exposed the high usage of high fructose corn syrup. Squires reveals, â€Å"Since the introduction of high-fructose corn syrup in 1966, U. S. consumption has reached about 60 pounds per person per year. †(Squires). This is ridiculous. Consuming such immense masses of high fructose corn syrup severely contributes to fatal diseases. No matter what processed food item an individual decides to eat, the common ingredient is high fructose corn syrup (Squires). High fructose corn syrup has flooded the food industry and continues to grow. The United States Food and Drug Administration must step in and regulate the amount of high fructose corn syrup a company applies to its products. If regulations are not enforced, the doses of high fructose corn syrup will continue to increase. Barry M. Popkin, a nutrition professor for The University of North Carolina, has published an article in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition that widely display the dangers of sugar-sweetened drinks. Popkin states, â€Å"The increase in consumption of HFCS has a temporal relation to the epidemic of obesity, and the overconsumption of HFCS in calorically sweetened beverages may play a role in the epidemic of obesity(Qtd. in Hyman). Thus, it can be established that consuming large amounts of high fructose corn syrup does indeed lead to obesity. High fructose corn syrup is absorbed quicker than regular sugar. As a result, high fructose corn syrup prevents the body from signalizing that it is full and thus leads to (Hyman). Therefore, by exceeding the standard caloric intake, symptoms of obesity quickly arise. Hence, it is evident that The United States Food and Drug Administration must strictly control the amount of high fructose corn syrup a company applies to its products. However, there are other important reasons why the Food and Drug Administration must regulate the food industry. The United States Food and Drug Administration must rigorously regulate genetically modified foods because they are unsafe. Genetically modified foods are engineered foods that have been deeply depraved as a result of genetic alteration (Heit). Furthermore, genetic alterations consist of extracting genes from other plants or animals and inserting them in the chosen product to produce desired traits (Heit). However, this method has severely tainted the healthiness of food. A vast number of studies have linked genetically modified foods in an extensive variety of health problems, ranging from organ damage to immune dysfunction (Gutierrez). Not only are genetically modified foods harmful to animals, they can also be harmful to humans. David Gutierrez a staff writer for the Natural News wrote an article â€Å"Doctors Warn About Dangers of Genetically Modified Food† where he exposed the fatal flaws of genetically modified foods. Gutierrez states, â€Å"Animals consuming crops that have been genetically modified to produce the pesticide Bt (approved for human consumption in the United States) have died by the thousands, while animals grazing on a non-GM version of the same crops remained unharmed†(Gutierrez). This evidence is overwhelming. If genetically modified foods are fatal to animals, one can affirm that this harm will carry over to human beings. Animals are dying at exponential rates as a result of consuming genetically modified foods; yet the United States continues to allow these methods of production to occur. By allowing the production of genetically modified foods, the fatality rates of animals and humans will continue to escalate. Hence, it can be established that consuming these genetically modified products drastically increases the probability of developing a fatal disease. Therefore, the United States cannot allow these food production methods to continue. In addition, scientific experiments have shown numerous rats suffer as a result of consuming genetically modified foods (Gutierrez). Through extensive observations, it has been revealed that female rats that have been fed genetically modified foods experience a drastically higher infant death rate (Gutierrez). Likewise, male rats suffer as there testicles change from a pink to a blue color (Gutierrez). As long as the food supply is produced by means of genetic modification, food will continue to mutate genes in a destructive ways. Therefore, it is evident that genetically modified foods will severely harm humans. Similarly, additional analyses have indicated that genetically modified foods contain significantly higher concentrations of allergens and toxins (Gutierrez). As a result of genetic mixing, the allergens and toxins of one item are transferred to the other (Smith). Hence, by consuming genetically modified foods, unknown allergic reactions can occur (Smith). In recent research, scientists have found high dosage of peanut protein in soybeans (Smith). Consequently, an individual who is allergic to peanuts can have an allergic reaction by consuming soybeans (Smith). This is absurd. Consumers are blindly digesting products that may be deadly to their health. It is unjust for consumers to endure an allergic reaction as a result of genetic mutation. Therefore, the United States Food and Drug Administration must regulate genetically modified products to preserve the health of consumers. In all, the safety of all food in America is in a crucial situation. The United States Food and Drug Administration must rigorously regulate factories, scientists and other food manufactories to preserve the health of American consumers. If not regulated, the safety of livestock and crops will only steeply decline and thus affecting the health of human beings. The diseases of mad cow disease, fatal allergies caused by genetically modified crops, and high usage of high fructose corn syrup are the greatest concerns for the Food and Drug Administration. Therefore it is evident that the United States Food and Drug Administration must rigorously regulate the food industry to efficiently maintain the safety of food. Works Cited Dana Flavin. â€Å"Metabolic Danger of High-Fructose Corn Syrup. † Life Extension Magazine. Life Extension. Dec 2008. Web. 1 June 2013. David Gutierrez. â€Å"Doctors Warn About Dangers Of Genetically Modified Food. † Natural News. Truth Publishing International. 25 Feb 2010. Web. 28 May 2013. Jeffery Heit. â€Å"Genetically Engineered Foods. † Medline Plus. [N. p. ]: 7 May 2012. Web. 28 May 2013. Jeremy Smith. â€Å"Genetically Engineered Foods May Cause Rising Food Allergies. † Institute for Responsible Technology. [N. p. ]: May 2007. 30 May 2013. Mark Hyman. â€Å"The Not-So-Sweet Trust About High Fructose Corn Syrup. † Huffington Healthy Living. The Huffington post. 16 May 2011. Web. 29 June 2013. Richard Stossel. â€Å"The Dangers of High Fructose Corn Syrup. † Natural News. Truth Publishing International. 11 Oct 2008. Web. 28 May 2013. Sally Squires. â€Å"Stealth Calories. † The Washington Post. The Washington Post Company. 6 Feb 2007. Web. 1 June 2013. â€Å"They Eat What. † Union of Concered Scientists. SIRS Issues Researcher. 8 Aug 2006. Web. 27 May 2013. â€Å"65 Health Risks of GM Foods. † Institute for Responsible Technology. [N. p. ]: N. d. Web. 1 June 2013.

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Ubuntu And Its Influence On Leadership Commerce Essay

Ubuntu And Its Influence On Leadership Commerce Essay This research will focuses on how Ubuntu can influence and be applied to leadership strategy management and implementation in the hospitality industry of South Africa. It is therefore important in this research to understand the differences between leadership and management in order to have a clear understanding on the influence of Ubuntu in the Hospitality industry of South Africa. Adair (2006) explains that leadership is of the spirit compounded of personality and vision and he illustrates that management as a trend of the mind more of an accurate methods, calculation and routine. This is to say that leadership is the understanding and sharing of a common purpose without which there can be no effective leadership. Adair believes that management is to manage change and leadership is to manage growth. In this research paper it will be established if the Ubuntu style of leadership and management can bring about any strategy in management and nurturing of growth within an organisation in the hospitality industry. 1.1 PURPOSE OF THE STUDY The main purpose of this research study is to realise the influence and determine the impact of Ubuntu in leadership in strategy management and implementation. Because the style of Ubuntu leadership and management involves the leading of an organisation by departing from the hierarchically structured management relations and rather introduces a cooperative and supportive form of leadership in which collective solidarity of the group is employed and respected (Prinsloo 1998). 1.2 CONTEXT OF THE STUDY The principle of knowledge within the fields of management, strategy and leadership theories and practice has been developed and adopted mainly from the Western capitalist principles, with leading thinkers in the field being mainly of European or American dissent. These thoughts have then been exported beyond American or Western boundaries as trade has moved from being multinational, through international to global, and practices such as international outsourcing have become more widespread. While some areas of Asia, mostly India, may be both responsive and adaptive to some of these Western practices, other areas of Asia and Africa as a whole are not so. This paper offers contextual understanding of how the Concept of Ubuntu or Ubuntu leadership can be able to influence on strategy management and implementation in an organization with a case study of the Hospitality industry. The Western world has mostly underpinned and still continues on supplying leadership, implementation and strategic management ideas; this is through the political systems, and economic infrastructures to Africa, since the time of the colonial times to present. Though seemingly with good intentions, these Western theories that are continuously being used in organizations (business) in Africa have not achieved their desired outcomes because many Africans find it difficult to relate to them, having to sacrifice their authenticity in order to fully embrace such Western ideals. Thus the need to find out if Ubuntu kind of leadership and management can serve the purpose of indigenous Africa to fully embrace it. This now places an interest for the need to understand the Ubuntu context as well as the indigenous thought system and, in particular, the perspective of the Ubuntu worker. 1.3 PROBLEM STATEMENT The hierarchical organizational structure in every business structure will always reflect the organized coordination which ensures that the goals and objectives of the said entity are is achieved. The aim of this proposal is to investigate the Ubuntu leadership style used in the Hospitality industry. It is very cardinal to find out if Ubuntu style has a great influence in good leadership, strategy management and implementation. It is also of great importance to discover if this kind of leadership style can achieve both the institutional and the individuals objectives and goals. The other important reason for this investigation is to find out whether or not the leaders and managers in these institutions are motivated to improve their work-place. All these issues will be investigated through answering the following questions: 1.3.1 MAIN PROBLEM The objective of this research paper is to determine the degree to which Ubuntu leadership style can influence the strategy management and implementation in a hospitality industry of South Africa. How does the Ubuntu leadership style impact on the outcome of the strategy management and implementation process in a Hospitality organization? 1.3.2 SUB-PROBLEMS Below are the sub-problems which have been identified to be ideal with the main problem and gain insight into the role that Ubuntu leadership plays in the strategy management and implementation process. Does the research literature reveal the existence of any significant of Ubuntu leadership style to be more beneficial and influential in terms of strategy management and implementation in South African Companies? Does the research literature reveal the existence of a significant relationship between Ubuntu style and strategy management in South African industries? 1.4 SIGNIFICANCE OF THE STUDY The aim is to discover how Ubuntu leadership can influence strategy management and implementation in an organisation. Thompson, Strickland and Gamble (2005: 32 34) states that crafting a strategy, no matter how complex a task is substantially easier than successfully implementing one. Strategy formulation is primarily an intellectual and creative act involving analysis and synthesis. Implementation is a hands-on, operations and action orientated activity that calls for leadership and managerial skills. Therefore Ubuntu leadership style often entails a change in corporate direction and therefore frequently requires a focus on effecting strategic change. Implementation is historically a top-management responsibility closing strategic capability gaps and making sure a company maintains strategic focus. Strategy formulation and implementation are linked through learning (de Kluyver and Pearce, 2003: 125-126). Grant (2002: 526) mentions, New organizational structures and strategic priorities point to new models of leadershipà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦.. So the question is can Ubuntu style stand to the task to play the role of top management by communicating effectively and formation of new strategies? It is said that good leadership in todays organizations calls for actively involving everyone in the organization, leaders are still ultimately responsible for establishing direction through vision and strategy (Daft. 2005: 535). Thus the concept of Ubuntu can surely apply. The results of this research will be analysed to place emphasis on the combination of leadership styles required by a transformational and transactional leader during the strategic planning process. 1.5 DELIMITATIONS OF THE STUDY The research might face the difficulty of determining when the categories are saturated or when the theory is sufficiently detailed (Creswell, 1998: 58). The grounded theory has been critical for its failure to acknowledge implicit theories which guide work at an early stage. The limitation of this theory will be taken into consideration throughout the research and data analysis because there has never been any method in social science without being criticised. Every possible out come will be taken to ensure the rigid conformity to the principles. 1.6 DEFINITION OF TERMS 1.6.1 UBUNTU The doctrine of Ubuntu has been used in almost all the parts of Africa. This culture has been of Doctrine has been most used and applied in South Africa. Most Academic commentators have pointed out the philosophical notion classification known as Ubuntu, which symbolises the beliefs, values, and behaviours of a large majority of the South African population. Ubuntu is defined by Mangaliso (2001) as humanenessa pervasive spirit of caring and community, harmony and hospitality, respect and responsivenessthat individuals and groups display for one another. Ubuntu is the foundation for the basic values that manifest themselves in the ways African people think and behave towards each other and everyone else they encounter (Mangaliso, 2001:24). Ubuntu has been viewed to be one of the most critical values in the African culture as a whole, and it is believed that this practice on the basis of management can be harmonious with the peoples of Africa. But the question still needs to answered is can Ubuntu can it compete and be of any advantage universally (Mbigi, 2005; Mangaliso, 2001). 1.6.2 LEADERSHIP Leadership has been well defined by Gray (2004) that it is managing the performance of others in any organised set up (Gray, 2004: 76). Conceivably the commonest constituent of definitions found in the literature concerns exercising influence in one way or another. This is quite clear since it implies that the exercisers of power should be able to have some ideas of their own about what they want to achieve, or what they want other individuals to do. In other words, they have vision, and are proactive in trying to turn that vision into reality by involving other people. 1.6.3 STRATEGIC LEADERSHIP Strategic leadership is defined by Daft (2008) as follows; The ability to anticipate and envision the future, maintain flexibility, think strategically and initiate changes that will create a competitive advantage for the organization in the future (Daft, 2008: 511). The other definition of strategic Leadership is of Dubrin (2004) which provides a clearer picture of the concept of strategic leadership. This definition of Dubrin helps to understand the necessity and effectiveness of carrying out strategic management. He defines it as a Strategic management refers to the process of ensuring a competitive fit between the organization and its environment (Dubrin, 2004: 401). 1.6.4 MANAGEMENT Managing culture is another element of leadership. It is the entrepreneurial leaders role to shape the organizational culture by setting example, the norms, standards and defining the values of the organization. Rossouw, Le Roux and Groenewald (2003: 167) state that managers often find it difficult to think that there could be a relationship between an organizations culture and its strategy. 1.7 ASSUMPTIONS It is assumed that for this study, the respondents of the questionnaires will answer all questions as openly and honesty as possible. The respondents will answer the questionnaires on their own and that, the questionnaires will not be completed in groups or influenced by other people or respondents. The respondents will answer the questionnaire in one sitting. All employees are ready and willing to be a part of the project work. All respondents will have technical and operational experience in their area of work. The results from this study which is focused on a particular sector (Hospitality industry) can be used in other organisation with the same Style of Ubuntu leadership in strategy management and implementation. 2 LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1 INTRODUCTION The evolution and progression of indigenous management theories and practices in Africa has been seriously affected and hindered by colonialism. The imposing of colonial administration was introduced by the western countries, and their management theories and practices are considered as the engine and the universal remedy for the continents socio-politico-economic development. The Western education, scholarship and prose generally diminished and denounced the astonishing management competency and practices of early African civilizations; this is evidenced, for example, in the building of the great Egyptian pyramids. It is assumed that these so called foreign management systems generally failed to achieve the desired results as they discountenanced African cultural inertia and social milieu. The paper addresses the development and effective if Ubuntu leadership style in Strategy management and implementation. Ubuntu leadership is an African management philosophy, which is rooted in th e African cultures, value system and beliefs, to provide the practical way for the efficient and effective running of organizations in Africa, with the aim of having a global competitiveness. The Ubuntu leadership style or the new management techniques known by different scholars, puts much of its emphasis on humanness, communalism and African patriotism, and it provides the veritable starting point for the development of indigenous African management philosophy. 2.2 DEFINITION OF UBUNTU A number of African researchers today have embarked on the advocacy for the indigenous African management philosophy that would serve the need of the African continent. In South Africa today, there is an emergency of a philosophical thought system derived from African culture, beliefs, and values and behaviours known as Ubuntu, (Ubuntu is a Bantu word meaning, broadly, sharing and community). Mangaliso (2001) defines Ubuntu as humaneness a pervasive spirit of caring and community, harmony and hospitality, respect and responsiveness that individuals and groups display for one another. Ubuntu is the foundation for the basic values that manifest themselves in the ways African people think and behave towards each other and everyone else they encounter( Mangaliso, 2001: 24). According to Poovan, du Toit and Engelbrecht (2006) Ubuntu philosophy permits administrators, leaders and managers to tap into the familiar African values to build and reinforce their work environment effectively by : Teaming up and organizing resources for survival this maintains productivity and effectiveness which deeply depends on shared values and individual contribution: it encourages focus on communal (and differences) with reliance to minimize threat to survival through conflict; creating of unified situations the spirit of solidarity, that is, mutual regard among members and individual adhesion to the group; create situations defined by group behaviours sit together, focus, on each other, co-ordinate behaviour; it enhances social oneness and participation sets up informal opportunities based on traditional pal abre central village location for gatherings, activities, mediation, decisions, events and rituals. Thus Ubuntu is considered to be an important value of African culture that can form the foundation of African management (Ubuntu leadership) philosophy that is in tune with the peoples of Africa. Though the proponent of Ubuntu leadership have argued that the concept was created as a system of management practice, for competitive advantage and to command a universal appeal beyond the shores of the continent (Mbigi, 2005; Mangaliso, 2001). Mangaliso (2001) suggests that: Incorporating Ubuntu principles in management hold the promise of superior approaches to managing organizations. Organizations infused with humanness, a pervasive spirit of caring and community, harmony and hospitality, respect and responsiveness will enjoy more sustainable competitive advantage (Mangaliso 2001: 32). Therefore, Ubuntu leadership system emphasizes on teamwork, attention to relationships, mutual respect and empathy between leader and followers, and participative decision-making. These are very fundamental principles of management, which hold promise for improving organization activities and functioning in South Africa and Africa at large. 2.3 INFLUNCES OF UBUNTU LEADERSHIP IN MANAGEMENT 2.3.1 UBUNTU LEADERSHIP The distinctive feature about Ubuntu governance is an indigenous democracy with very deep African cultures that had emerged from African traditional institutions and practices. The hallmark of African traditional governance is the focus on collective stewardship (collectivism), freedom of expression, grass-roots participation, consultation, discussion and consensus to accommodate minority needs and views (holism). The emphasis was not just on majority views but also on compromise and accommodation. The focus was on the need to reach an acceptable consensus through discussions to accommodate minority groups and views in order to avoid majority group dictatorship. This was essential because the traditional African political institution was characterized by the cultural diversity of tribes and clans, which did not disappear as a result of majority rule (Mbigi, 1997:22). This autocratic leadership style expects subordinates to be submissive and obedient. Because leadership in modern Africa is authoritarian and politicized (Kiggundu, 1988:226; Jaeger Kanunzo, 1990; 17; Blunt Jones, 1992: 6-23), such autocratic leadership styles, by expecting subordinates to be submissive and obedient, may stifle innovativeness and impede community motivation and Ubuntu. 2.3.2 MANAGEMENT AND IMPLEMENTATION For every industry especially in the Hospitality business, leadership basically deals with the human relations where problem solving, communication and decision making are promoted and cultivated. Leithwood and Mcleah (1987) indicate that highly effective leaders know many forms of decision-making are skilled in their use and are situationally sensitive in their selection of a particular approach to decision-making (Leithwood and Mcleah, 1987:35). They are thus very analytical and rational in the way they perceive and perform their functions. Basson and Smith (1991) allude to the fact that effective leaders can be selected or trained. It is also useful to think of leadership as a generic term which refers to the process characterized by the interrelationships among people as they work together in the formation and achievement of shared goals (Basson and Smith, 1991:148). Hallinger et al. (1989:9) claim that leadership in an industrial worldview influences people by developing a clear mission that provides an instructional focus for people throughout the community. Leadership does not reside exclusively with the chief or president; in fact Weber (1989:217) identifies the need to develop shared leadership in the community (Weber, 1989:217). One of the current shifts in thinking regarding leadership is a shift from an instructional to a transformational leadership. Brandt (1992:3) declared that because of change and democracy instructional leadership is out; transformational leadership is in. Such leadership is leadership for change (Brandt, 1992:3). Another important aspect in hospitality industrys leadership is the shared vision. There is the discipline for translating individual vision into shared vision. People should feel free to express their dreams, but also learn how to listen to each others dream. The fundamental role of leadership in Ubuntu setup is to create connotative meaning through significant but important rituals and ceremonies. Mbigi (1997) highlights that in traditional African communities the ultimate test of leadership maturity in terms of training and development is determined by the ease with which a new leader carries out rituals and ceremonies (Mbigi, 1997:19). It is through well-designed rituals and ceremonies that leaders can effectively manage collective meaning and collective trust. It is not just an intellectual journey. It is a symbolic and emotional as well as a spiritual journey. Therefore effective leadership in Ubuntu requires people to have convivial experiences by digging deep into their emoti onal and spiritual resources. This may be equivalent to the mission and vision in a Hospitality industry and an industrial worldview. The sense of Ubuntu leadership system is to enhance governance, collective solidarity, respect, human dignity and the right to freedom of expression, as well as collective trust and compassion. Ubuntu is central to indigenous governance systems and can be central to modern governance. 2.3.3 CAN UBUNTU LEADERSHIP SYSTEM BE RELIED UPON There are several basic management principles derived from African tribal communities that embody this philosophy, including trust, interdependence and spiritualism (Mbigi Maree, 2005). In the African management system context, the African Ubuntu philosophy represents humanness, a pervasive spirit of caring within the community in which the individuals in the community love one another. This Ubuntu approach plays a pivotal role in determining the success of any African organisation (Mangaliso, 2001:32). Ubuntu transcends the narrow confines of the nuclear family to include the extended kinship network that is omnipresent in many African communities. As a philosophy, Ubuntu is an orientation to life that stands in contrast to rampant individualism, insensitive competitiveness, and unilateral decision-making. The Ubuntu teachings are pervasive at all ages, in families, organisations and communities living in Africa. ****2.4 IMPACTS OF UBUNTU LEADERSHIP 2.4.1 EXPERIENCES OF UBUNTU LEADERSHIP Afrocentricity encompasses African history, traditions, culture, mythology, and the value systems of communities, according to Khoza (in Mangaliso, 2001:278-279), the Chairperson of Eskom, the supplier of electricity in South Africa. Khoza believes that corporations in Africa will be successful if they adopt the Ubuntu management and leadership styles, which are people-centred. It is perhaps telling that Eskom registered an after-tax profit of R5.2 billion over a period of 15 months up to the end of March 2005 after the corporation had adopted the Ubuntu management philosophy (Broodryk, 2005:17). Similarly, Wolmarans (1995:4) reports that South African Airways (SAA) adopted an Ubuntu management system in 1994. Since then, the African Ubuntu philosophy has been a driving force in the company. The secret behind its success has been the publicly stated core values of South African Airways these include corporate performance, customer orientation, employee care, corporate citizenship, integrity, safety, innovation and teamwork, which are all embodied in the Ubuntu management philosophy. Improved results demonstrate that culture and leadership style play pivotal roles towards the achievement of set goals and strategies of an organisation. Emerging African management philosophies see an organisation as a community and can be summed up in one word Ubuntu (Mbigi Maree, 2005:v-vi). An African Ubuntu management system recognises the significance of group solidarity that is prevalent in African cultures, acknowledging that an African leadership style involves group and community supportiveness, sharing and cooperation. Ubuntu-based leadership dictates sharing burdens during hard times, because by doing so, suffering is also shared and diminished. What is distinctive about the Ubuntu philosophy is the premise of a short memory of hate (Mazrui, 2001). Africans teach children to communicate effectively, reconcile, and find ways to cleanse and let go of hatred and give the children skills to do so. The Ubuntu approach to life enables people to express continued compassion and Perseverance within communities and institutions. 2.4.2 LESSONS FROM THE LIVED EXPERIENCES OF UBUNTU LEADERSHIP African organisations can build cooperation and competitive strategies by allowing teamwork based on Ubuntu principles to permeate the organisation (Mbigi Maree, 2005:93). As a people-centred philosophy, Ubuntu stipulates that a persons worth depends on social, cultural and spiritual criteria. It requires a life that depends on a normative engagement with the community, a substantive appreciation of the common good and a constitutive engagement with one another in a rational and ethical community. In this way, in order for a person to be identified as a true African, community and communality are substantive prerequisites. Communalism and collectivism are essential to the spirit of the African Ubuntu philosophy. Equally important in Ubuntu relationships is the aspect of working with others as a team (English, 2002:197; Poovan et al., 2006:17). A spirit of solidarity simultaneously supports cooperation and competitiveness amongst the team by allowing individuals to contribute their best efforts for the betterment of the entire group. In a team setting, the existence of Ubuntu as a shared value system implies that team members are encouraged to strive towards the outlined team values, which consequently enhance their functioning together as a team (Poovan et al., 2006:25; Van den Heuvel et al., 2006:48). The team is brought one step closer to being effective because of the increased level of team members commitment, loyalty and satisfaction, which ultimately has a positive impact on overall performance. Thus, management systems that tend to focus on achievements of individual team members and not the entire group are likely to miss out on all the social and collective framework of an African society. 2.4.3 IS UBUNTU STLYE OF LEADERSHIP HAVE A PLACE IN MODERN BUSINESS OPERATION Issues of corporate governance are becoming more pronounced in modern business practices. Corporate governance, which is intertwined with business ethics, is considered critical in organisational practice, as well as in general corporate productivity (Rossouw, 2005:105). The founding principles of business ethics and corporate governance are in line with the Ubuntu philosophy of regarding all members of an organisation as part of the community. It is this direct involvement of and with community members that brings about greater solidarity, love, caring and sharing within a grouping (organisation). A major governance challenge in current governance issues has been corruption, which reveals the moral depravity and badness of the perpetrators (Broodryk, 2005; Moloketi, 2009; Nyarwath, 2002). Generally, corruption is caused by a lack of commitment to moral beliefs by the perpetrators, which is in turn due to the Weak moral will of an individual towards other people. Corruption can be seen as 2.5 CONCLUSION OF LITERATURE REVIEW 2.5.1 HOW BENEFICIAL IS UBUNTU LEADERSHIP In a Western worldview, the concept leadership accommodated the sense of belonging, as did the Ubuntu worldview. Sergiovanni (1982:231) supports this when he says: leadership promotes the feeling of actual belonging, participating, being co-partners in the entire organization. In all, a leader who has leadership skills sees to the rapid growth of the organization. Leadership skills are situationally specific, of short duration, and focused on specific objectives or outcomes. The Ubuntu philosophy represents an African conception of human beings and their relationship with the community that embodies the ethics defining Africans and their social behaviours (Dia, 1992; Mbigi, 2005:75; Van den Heuvel, Mangaliso Van de Bunt, 2006:48). Africans are social beings that are in constant communion with one another in an environment where a human being is regarded as a human being only through his or her relationships to other human beings (Tutu in Battle, 1997:39-43). Therefore, the survival of a human being is dependent on other people the community and society. 2.5.2 CAN UBUNTU LEADERSHIP AND WESTERN LEADERSHIP WORK TOGETHER? ***** The Ubuntu management system and the new management techniques as advocated by African management scholars, set the revolutionary agenda for evolving an indigenous African management philosophy that will emphasize our cultural traits of humanness, communalism, and participatory decision-making in organizational life. African governments and the private sector must support the development of African management philosophy through creating an enabling environment for management research and the provision of adequate research funds or grants. 3 RESEARCH METHODOLOGY 3.1 RESEARCH METHODOLOGY / PARADIGM 3.2 RESEARCH DESIGN In investigating the phenomenon, the interpretative approach, particularly constructive-interpretative paradigm will be used in the study; taking into account its ability to generate an in-depth understanding regarding factors that impacts on Ubuntu leadership (Cohen et al, 2007:155; Creswell, 2003:52; McMillan Schumacher, 2006:318). In the course of investigations, the interpretative approach would allow, the researcher to explore, analyse, describe, and show the relationships between Ubuntu and strategy management and implementation. That will be made possible because the phenomenon of Ubuntu and leadership will be investigated in their unique and natural setting (Lauer, 2006:76). Simply put; all interviews, observational field notes and documents analyses would be done at the participant place. In employing the qualitative research design, a case study will be employed to sample participants, collect data, and analyse data as shown below. 3.3 POPULATION AND SAMPLE 3.3.1 POPULATION The focus for this study will be on employers and employees of Orion group of companies which is a Hospitality Industry. The company has staff numbering around 1000 employees. Orion is sub-divided into many different business branches and each business branch is run as a business on its own. The research study focuses on Orion group; the staff compliment at each branch is comprised of about 100 full time permanent employees. From the total number of employees working at Orion Braamfontein office, all are eligible to participate. Over 15 participants out of the 50 employees will be selected for the purpose of this study and will form the target population for the study. 3.3.2 SAMPLE AND SAMPLING METHOD The researcher will use a purposive sampling to select participants. The identified sample comprised of fifteen participants; seven men and eight women. According to Budhal (2000:62), Creswell (2003:52) and, McMillan and Schumacher (2006:317), a sample represents a small and distinct group of information-rich informants that would enable the researcher to understand the problem in depth. The criteria for selecting such information-rich sample; amongst others, is that participants who are knowledgeable, informative and willing to talk (Lauer, 2006:78; McMillan Schumacher, 2006:319). Regarding the availability of the administration offices, it will assist in maximizing privacy and confidentiality during interview sessions (Keats, 2000:30; Pedroni Pimple, 2001:11). Furthermore, purposive sampling will be done by combining strategies like site selection, network sampling and sampling by case in order to maximize its impact. Lastly, permission would be sought from the Orion Head office. Having discussed how the participants would be selected; in the next section, the proposal explains how data will be collected. 3.4 THE RESEARCH INSTRUMENT The instrument to be used for data collection is a questionnaire. The questionnaire is chosen as it is the most popular form of data collection. It is important for the questionnaire to be constructed in such a way as to gain as much useful information from the respondent as possible (Newell, 1993, 48). With this, great care, time and efforts would be put into the construction of this research studys questionnaire as to obtain as much useful information as possible. Questionnaires are created to be easy to understand, avoid ambiguous, draw up leading questions, quick and simple to answer (Kidder Judd, 1993). In this case, questionnaire will be distributed to participants and collected once they have been completed. These questionnaires will be distributed through email, containing a hyperlink to